Granite Countertops in Heswall

Granite Countertops in HeswallShopping for granite countertops in Heswall at David Williams is a completely different experience. It’s far different than shopping in any other store, through a contractor or a decorator. Brochures and small sample chips used by others for granite countertop selection don’t always give you a complete visual. If you’re not careful, you may unknowingly purchase a granite veneer countertop instead of the solid slab you planned to install. Your style selection may be a rectangle with square or rounded corners. David Williams didn’t invent granite countertops but we’ve been working with the stone for over 50 years. Until recent years, we were the only place a Wirral resident could get a natural granite countertop.

Once granite became trendy, many places popped up to meet the demand but none of them come close to meeting our standards. We are stone workers in Heswall; granite countertops we supply are carved from solid slabs. We offer forty different designs and many colours. Our customer service has remained the same as it always was. When you call to inquire about a granite countertop we pay a visit to your home. We want to know where the counter will be, the size and the shape you want. Solid granite is heavy so we need to make sure the bottom structure can withstand the weight or if we need to add reinforcements. We take our careful measurements and your design choice back to our shop and build a template.

If the template is a perfect fit for your granite countertops in Heswall we invite you to our shop to select your stone. The stone is carved to match the template and once we complete it we do the installation. It will be a perfect fit when we’re finished. Our products and installation are guaranteed to your satisfaction. Contact David Williams or stop in and visit our showroom for an extraordinary selection of colours and styles. See some finished products that are polished and sealed. You’ll notice a depth to the stone and magnification of colours not possible with a veneer. The granite stone is already ancient so you can expect your countertop to last longer than you’ll need it.

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